About the RFDS Outback Heritage Experience

About the RFDS Outback Heritage Experience

Royal Flying Doctor Outback Heritage Experience, Broken Hill

An exploration of the history and operations of the Royal Flying Doctor Service

Royal Flying Doctor Outback Heritage Experience is uniquely located within a real-life working Flying Doctor base.

Touch down into the world of heroic doctors, nurses, pilots and the outback communities we service. The world class exhibition lets you experience our most exciting stories from over 96 years of history. 

Co-located with the RFDS’s 24/7 operational base the Outback Heritage Experience shares the important story of the RFDS in outback Australia and captures the resilient spirit of the communities it has serviced for more than 96 years, thanks, in large part to the contributions and stories of the many communities and supporters who have helped the RFDS to operate for almost a century across Far Western NSW. 

Step back in time

Step back in time

Immerse yourself in an audio-visual experience of real-life medical help calls from remote stations to the Broken Hill base.
Immersive Storytelling
Our remarkable work

Our remarkable work

Learn about the breadth of our work. From emergency aeromedical retrievals, interhospital patient transfers, to clinical services and primary healthcare in remote communities.
Immersive Storytelling
How it began

How it began

Explore the history of the RFDS and the Broken Hill base. Immerse yourself in amazing stories from Revered John Flynn who founded the Australian Aerial Medical Services, the world’s first aero-medical service in 1928.
Real-life exhibit
Walk through the heritage hangar

Walk through the heritage hangar

See our exhibition of aeromedical aircraft housed within the Hangar they operated from. Aircraft; Fox Moth, Dragon, Drover, Beagle, Nomad and King Air B200.
Immersive Storytelling
Reverend John Flynn, Founder of the RFDS

Reverend John Flynn, Founder of the RFDS

With 23 Flying Doctor bases and 81 aircraft around Australia, John Flynn's dream is today a vibrant reality. Sit at his desk to relive his dream.
Real-life exhibit
Early communication

Early communication

Sit at the communication desk and relive the challenges of 1950's technology by replicating a call for medical help from a remote station to the RFDS base.
Real-life exhibit
Royal visit

Royal visit

Look back to when Queen Elizabeth II and HRH Prince Philip visited our Broken Hill base as well as the proud moment when the Flying Doctor Service was given the Royal assent and became the renowned Royal Flying Doctor Service.
Immersive Storytelling
Heroes of RFDS

Heroes of RFDS

Relive extraordinary human stories of heroic doctors, pilots, flight nurses and engineers who save lives. Their teams are on-call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for aeromedical retrievals. Watch a unique movie about these everyday heroes.
Immersive Storytelling

Shop our merchandise range

Take home a piece of the Royal Flying Doctor Service

Visit our shop for Flying Doctor branded teddy bears, mugs, books, clothing, airplane model replicas and more. Or simply shop online.